iDESK ACCELERATOR @ i+TRADE PARK revolutionizes the way to do business in China and international markets.
Now with iDESK ACCELERATOR @ i+TRADE PARK, your Company can activate own direct operations and commercial activities in China or Europe as a real company there (Import & Export, Local distribution and Payments, e-Commerce ....), without the need to setup any Chinese or international local company.
A unique iDesk All-in-One with which can access directly to real company assets and licenses that requiring for your business in China and International Markets.

Our goal is boost your import & export and direct company activities by SHARING operational skills, assets and business licenses owned by Shanghai Yiduqiao, reducing the risks and time to market, thanks the opportunity to use our business licenses directly, that include:
- Logistic license (last mile and door to door, catering e handling products)
- Import & Export licenses required for the direct handling of import and export, storage and customs clearance,products labeling, reduction operating costs without agents.
- Thanks Shanghai Yiduqiao HQ in Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) and our exclusive GLOBAL FREE TRADE ZONE: fiscal and regulatory advantages (ex. favorable taxation, customs clearance on sales, bank account management in offshore and multi-currency payments, Duty-Free)
- our Integrated Logistics + Import/Export Management + Warehouse Management + Distribution O2O platform
- e-Commerce and digital channels licenses, billing in Chinese RMB ( Web and Mobile channels).
- Retail and wholesale licenses to sell on digital channels and off-line shops, sales in e-commerce and own outlets offline directly activated (Temporary shops, Flag stores, Corners ...).
- Licenses for Advertising (online / offline and different channels and media). Direct management nationwide and purchases necessary spaces on the various channels (on-line - Above / Below the line, Digital Direct Marketing Campaigns Cross-media).
To allow full access to all available business resources (Business Licenses, Import & Export, full commercial operations: e-Commerce, local invoices, customs clearance, warehousing in free trade zones etc ..), during the acceleration period, selected company project @i+TRADE PARK will be activated as division of Shanghai Yiduqiao and in this way can enable the project to operates as Chinese - EU or USA company status.

The core advantage: for selected company that activated iDESK@i+TRADE PARK offers the same operations than a new chinese company setup.
But with iDESK@i+TRADE PARK do not need to open any company in China and International Markets. In this way is possible reduce the risk, budget and timing.
In fact with iDESK @i+TRADE PARK:
- No incorporation cost for company,but direct access to the Shanghai Yiduqiao business licenses in China - EU or USA.
- Immediate activation of operations without any setup and incorporation activities.
- Clear timeline of activity: the operations start immediately as Chinese company according to the program established (3 months, 6 months or even more depending on needs). Therefore you can decide to restructure and / or suspend the operations easily and without additional costs typical in case of traditional management: no lease, no layoffs and no company closing procedure.
- Your company remains the owner of the distribution rights which therefore remain entirely in charge of your company. This allows you to define agreements with third parties without any restriction, as can negotiate at any time an import and / or distribution contract with Shanghai Yiduqiao as extension of this acceleration program.
- No cost for staff or employees: Shanghai Yiduqiao staff will directly manage all activities.
- Costs transparent and defined: the acceleration agreement includes clear estimate costs. Any additional cost will be pre-agreed and defined by specific agreements.
IDESK+ is the unique all-in-one platform that extends your company functions and international activities, thanks digital lever and telecommunication, combining your actions on different markets with real iDESK licenses and channels O2O (Online / Offiline).
With iDESK+ your company now can take and manage business opportunities and activities everywhere in 1-click as well as customs during import & export, virtual shelf & booth without barriers and frontiers!

In fact with iDESK+ @i+TRADE PARK:
- inSTORE LIVE ACTION for O2O activities everywhere with your products and services and live interaction with your customers.
- Video connection for real live business and customer care: unique live interaction with your business partners, teamworks, customers, suppliers to exchange information, direct support or directly sign a new agreement, order or payment, thanks an integrated digital signature technology.
- Video session registration as proof and other support needs.
- Live capture images, documents or objects through remote camera control: agent can take HD snapshots or scan documents, agreements, official documents, objects thanks to the 3D scanner technology integrated.
- Digital Signature: customers and partners can sign documents directly live thanks an integrated digital signature technology.
- Document Co-Edit: the easiest way to fill online forms, collect customer information and syncro with your CRM.
- Share documents and draw on it: share any kind of document, forms, contracts and interact with your customer as in-person. even draw on it, highlight areas and much more.
- Customer Identity Verification with ID real time validation.
- Make digitally signing your customer as a person through digital signature systems integrated.
- BE-OMNICHANNEL without barriers: interaction with PC, Mobile and Tablet.