HLP i+TRADE PARK (Healthy Lifestyle Industrial & Trade Park)

HLP i+TRADE PARK is an innovative industrial park that combines knowledge and R & D with industrial production and sustainable agriculture, quality of life and personal well-being and environmental quality with the digital trading and business internationalization .
HLP i+TRADE PARK innovates and updates the concept of industrial park until now based on physical areas to rent for specific industrial and productive activities, turning it into a dynamic space, digital based and without frontiers which allows the immediate internationalization of projects and resident companies, optimizing operating costs and timing through the sharing of assets and necessary know-how.
Projects and companies resident in HLP + TRADE PARK can access to licenses and infrastructures that allow them immediate operations directly in China, EU, USA as a real local company, but without need to activate any local real company.

Internationally, they can take benefit from Yiducity Yiducity @ GFTZ network for their Multichannel activities (O2O) and in e-commerce, traditional import / export and sale inSHOP with their own import / export licenses.
HLP I+TRADE PARK provides assistance to the resident projects and companies with a concrete support in their internationalization in China and on several international markets.
Everything thanks the exclusive Global Free Trade Zone (GFTZ) which extending the Free Trade Zones action and potential through the digital leverage and provides to the residents businesses and projects direct support on logistics, payments, regulatory management and related customs procedures.

The core advantage: for the selected company HLP I+TRADE PARK offer the same operations and functions of a new chinese company setup.
But with HLP I+TRADE PARK is possible reduce risk, budget and timing because do not need to open any real company in China.
In fact with HLP I+TRADE PARK:
- No incorporation cost for company,but direct access to the Shanghai Yiduqiao in China.
- Immediate activation of operations without any setup and incorporation activities.
- Clear timeline of activity: the operations start immediately as Chinese company according to the program established (3 months, 6 months or even more depending on needs). Therefore you can decide to restructure and / or suspend the operations easily and without additional costs typical in case of traditional management: no lease, no layoffs and no company closing procedure.
- Your company remains the owner of the distribution rights which therefore remain entirely in charge of your company. This allows you to define agreements with third parties without any restriction, as can negotiate at any time an import and / or distribution contract with Shanghai Yiduqiao as extension of this acceleration program.
- No cost for staff or employees: Shanghai Yiduqiao staff will directly manage all activities.
- No operational restrictions as a foreign company: when foreign companies intend to start their own business in China, they can have some limitations related to their foreign company status. With HLP I+TRADE PARK your company has the same rights as a Chinese company in terms of activities, thanks the lever on Shanghai Yiduqiao 100% chinese business licenses.
- Costs transparent and defined: the acceleration agreement includes clear estimate costs. Any additional cost will be pre-agreed and defined by specific agreements.
To be selected project / company resident in HLP i+TRADE PARK must be requested the Resident Access Card activation in one of Global Free Trade Zones on which is based the HLP i+TRADE PARK international network. Activated your iDESK, will be possible have direct access to the assets and licenses available in the HLP + TRADE PARK u> for your business project.
- Agrifood, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Safety
- Bio Technologies, Healthcare, Clinics, Medical Devices, Wellness
- Clean Technologies, Green ICT, Circular Economy
- Design and Innovative Fashion
- Education and Training
- Fintech, Finance & Venture Capital
- Information Communication Technology (ICT), Big Data (ICT), ICT & Social Innovation, Internet & Web Technologies
- IC Design, Robots, 3D Printing
- Internet of Things (IOT) - M2M
- Logistic and integrated solutions
- Media & Communication
- Mobile Services & Telecommunications
- R&D, IP Protection, Trademarks and Patents
- Real Estate & Innovation
- Retail & Innovative Distribution Services & Channels, e-Commerce, Cross-Border

allows to any international company that intends to activate its direct operations and distribution in China. In this way can start immediatly as if had been activated its own Chinese company under Chinese law but without need to start any Chinese company.
Global and multi platform solution with which:
- Fiscal & Customs advantages in Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) and different FTZ's worldwide with concrete benefits on tax, duty-free and simplified customs procedures
- Management Sourcing / Supply Chain
- Product Labeling and Customs Procedure
- B2B, e-Commerce, Retail integrated among them on site
- Direct Warehouses Management (Dry, Frozen, Controlled Temperature)
- Traceability / Product Qualification (Qiaotag)
- B2B multi-channel activities, multi-events with BEXPON (The Market Fair O2O)
- Acceleration Program BE-EXPORT to give a boost to international activities and immediate direct access on different markets
- O2O Promotional and sales activities in YIDUCITY (The Global City Built Around Your Customers)

allows to any international company that intends to activate its direct operations and distribution on EU. In this way can start immediatly as if had been activated its own European company but without need to start any European company.
Global and multi platform solution with which:
- Fiscal & Customs advantages in Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) and different FTZ's worldwide with concrete benefits on tax, duty-free and simplified customs procedures
- Management Sourcing / Supply Chain
- Product Labeling and Customs Procedure
- B2B, e-Commerce, Retail integrated among them on site
- Direct Warehouses Management (Dry, Frozen, Controlled Temperature)
- Traceability / Product Qualification (Qiaotag)
- B2B multi-channel activities, multi-events with BEXPON (The Market Fair O2O)
- Acceleration Program BE-EXPORT to give a boost to international activities and immediate direct access on different markets
- O2O Promotional and sales activities in YIDUCITY (The Global City Built Around Your Customers)

The exclusive panel to manage features and services available in the HLP i+TRADE PARK network