Beyond Chinese market numbers, over 600 million online users and 540 Billion e-Commerce sales, without the necessary tools, the risk for companies is that may not have any benefit from this scenario simply because: "had not been found".
Being found is therefore the fundamental action on which the company needs to focus the efforts to build its own business success in China.
Delegate simply the "search engine" is not enough, because many of the products on the Chinese e-commerce are not indexed by the search engines.
An illustrative example: try searching on Baidu (the Chinese google) a product for sale on Alibaba platforms (Taobao and Tmall).
Well you will find that it is impossible!
This is related to the fact that to Baidu is not allowed to index the Alibaba sales channels.
This example shows that the company need to use other ways to be in contact with customers.
In China exits another channel much more invasive in which Chinese user choose in the "vast sea" of opportunities: Social Media.
On these channels (Wechat, Sina Weibo ..) you can really evaluate success or failure for a brand, product, service, a travel destination or even for a whole country.
Essential key is to remember that western Social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter, are not visible in China. In China necessarily you must use only Chinese social media channels in order to achieve the objective to engage and interact with Chinese consumers.
Based on these considerations, Yiduqiao has prepared a specific SOCIAL COMMERCE solution that combining Chinese Social Media channels and e-Commerce, allows to the International company not only be found and interact with consumers, but in the same time, also can sell own products in Cross-Border and in e-Commerce in China and traditional channels, B2B and Shops / Supermarkets.